Hear what our customers say about the Marketing Dashboard!

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It's exceptional!
What it's doing is it's actually crystallizing the entire process that a marketer goes through... to take a product from it's conception all the way to cashing in on it.
...really, the only way somebody cannot succeed by using the Dashboard is to just NOT be using the steps you've laid out.
Innovative! It's pure genius!
Stephen Pierce
Ann Arbor, MI

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I want to tell you... Marlon knows direct response and marketing on the web inside out.
He can put you on the road to success and online profits easily within your grasp.
He just lays it all out for you step by step with clear, no fluff examples and instructions.
...he empowers you to succeed whether it's with online or offline marketing.
The dashboard gives you the big picture, the whole overview plus it gives you the step by step procedures and it puts all those powerful tools right there at the tips of your fingertips.
So if you're even remotely serious about marketing online you owe it to yourself to listen to his advice, follow the step by step methods, use his tips, his tools and get on the road to success....
I'm confident you'll be as glad you did it as I am. Thanks again!
Kris Copeland
Miami, FL

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I'm blown away by the creativity of this whole idea!
It's fabulous to see it all laid out. I'm a visual thinker and it gives me a great overview of the entire process.
It makes it feel "doable" and makes me feel confident that I can go through the checklist and hit all the points that I need to.
It makes it feel solid and complete and real.
...I really think this is going to help me make it happen.
Thanks very much!
Russ Weinzimmer
Milford, NH

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...I think it's awesome.
...it will help us a lot in building our web page and it did answer a lot of questions!
Thank you for the help and for sharing your knowledge.
This is the best program I've seen to help someone who's a novice in building a website.
Thank you very, very much!
Richard Leusch,
Apple Valley, CA

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It's an incredible piece of software and I'm blown away at what he's come up with.
He's got everything from A to Z for people who want to market their products or services... from start to finish...surveys, sales plans, tracking autoresponders, each in a step by step process which breaks everything down and is digestible and not overwhelming for people who are looking where to start but don't know how.
It's a perfect product for anyone who wants to get their product or service out... in a 1-2-3 fashion.
It's visual, you can see it on the net, it's at your fingertips. You don't have to wade through tons of paperwork. I encourage you to get it and try it out.
Audrey Ranieri.
Jericho, VT

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Marlon, you've done it again!
You've created a system where a beginner or even an experienced marketer knows exactly what they should be doing with their marketing efforts.
Anybody who's ever had a question "now what do I do?" needs THIS product.
Rick Hanson
London, Ontario

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...it's nothing short of superb!
I particularly like the very easy to follow sequential steps to launching an online business, so I'd like to say a very big thanks to Marlon and look forward to continuing with the program.
Joanne Thomson
Essex, United Kingdom

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I think your new Marketing Dashboard is amazing!
It's just mind boggling.
To be able to have everything here so I can go through step by step instead of spending all the time looking for this resource and that resource and where did I put that manual and how do I find this information.
I can't believe that I'm sitting here right now looking at my screen and it's all right here in front of me.
I'm not the most organized person in the world and that's been one of the biggest hindrances to my success, is half the time I can't find the resource I'm looking for.
All I have to do is click the link and there's everything I need to know, step by step.
Plus, there's all these steps in here, your break even, split testing, web stats tracking, things I hadn't even thought of that I needed to do to make my business successful. There are several items that you've included here that I didn't even think I needed to know to set up my business.
It's mind boggling to have it laid out for me step by step and I can go through it day by day and get the information I need.
The other thing I really love is to set up the reminders where you get the email reminder.
Things get in the way and I tend to get backtracked on deadlines but now I have this tool to help keep me on track.
The quality of the information that you have (of course I own several of your products) and I know what high quality information you provide, but it's just so clear and easy to understand and it's laid out in a way that it gets to the core of what needs to happen for each step.
I can't say enough good things about it. It's truly an amazing product.
I wish I'd had this 18 months ago when I started thinking about doing an online business.
If I had, I'd probably be on vacation and calling you.
This is going to propel me into getting my business to the point where I want it to be.
I just wanted to tell you I feel good about this. It's a great product and I really look forward to going through it and using it.
Thank you very much Marlon.
Lisa Suttora
Seattle, WA

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Man, that thing blew me away!
It's a great product. In fact, I think it's probably the best one you've ever done. .
...in addition to all the key information I am most impressed by how simple it is.
Anybody starting out can understand how to use every section of the product because each one is extremely easy to follow.
You've taken all the guess work out of it. Your instructions are the same basic 1 2 3 that have always worked. First you do this, second you do this, third you do this. That makes it a slam dunk.
It'll make a big difference in sales for all the people using it!
Lew Williams,
Winsboro TX

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This is an amazing piece of work!
The thing I like best is that it's a simple, total package.
So many times online marketers that are new to the game have to struggle to piece together a plan and the resources to get the job done and there's always the chance they can miss something critical, but you've got them covered.
Even the layout of the website is so fun.
I don't see how anyone can get lost in the process of creating an online business.
I think if people had any idea the wealth of your years of experience that you've spilled into this product and the time, money and frustration you've saved them, they'd gladly pay 5 or 10 times the price.
From one marketer to another, I take my hat off to you.
This is an excellent product that REALLY delivers!
Anita Williams,
Winsboro TX

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I have never seen such a practical, comprehensive, yet easy to use marketing tool as Marlon Sanders' Marketing Dashboard.
It is like a roadmap for your business journey, that not only gets and keeps you focused and organized but takes you step by step from where you are to where you want to be.
If you are starting a business or are working on taking your business to the next level, you MUST get this tool.
It'll not only save you time and energy, but lots of money as well.
Dr. Boyce Berkel
Florida, USA